A System Called Faith

Everything in God’s world operates in and through a system called faith. Faith can be defined as having a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Hebrews 11:1 (AMP) conveys this thought when it says

 “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses] can but for the sake of this writing let’s define through God’ Word.”

I personally like this definition found in this scripture, “faith is the title deed.” On several occasions in my life, I have had the opportunity to pay off vehicles that had been financed with a bank.  Once the loan was paid, I received a title to the vehicle free and clear of the lien holder. The title gave me sole legal ownership along the legal rights that come with that ownership. In short, its mine and I have the confidence no one can take it away

Faith is the operating system God uses to work within the confines of His Kingdom. Faith gives us the confidence, assurance, and trust of ownership before we see our need met with our physical eyes. Faith distinguishes and recognizes the truth even when we cannot experience this truth with our physical senses in a moment of time.

Almost 40 years ago as a young believer, I learned divine healing was available to me. Knowing it was available and making it applicable took some time to develop. One day I took a step and started applying the principle of divine healing to a wart on my finger.  I started out in hope which is the happy expectation of something good to come and ended up in faith as I continued to declare God’s Word. Ten days later the wart was gone and has never come back.

Through the years, I have had many other opportunities to apply the principles of divine healing I learned way back then. Many times, I start out in the journey wondering when the situation will end and at some point, faith overtakes hope in my heart and gives me the assurance it will come to an end.

Before I can see it with my physical eyes, I declare the outcome through faith in accordance with God’s Word. Sometimes the healing comes quick and other times it has taken me up to a year to walk free from all symptoms. By using these principles, I have overcome panic attacks and irregular heartbeat, just to name a couple.

Have I always received victory in the arena of healing? When I stayed inside the parameters and rules that govern faith in this area, it always worked. However, just like any operating system that is running in a computer, there are rules that govern the system. If I do not apply the right rules and commands, I will not get the desired results. Take time to get to know the rules of faith. As you apply the rules of faith, you will find that what was once impossible becomes possible.


Fear Not


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