U Win!

Paul made a very important statement in Philippians 4:13 where he said, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Many times, in my own life I have faced impossible situations from financial crisis to health-related issues that always produced an elevation of stress and of course worry. Many of these situations were very difficult to walk thru and often in my own mind it seemed there was no way out. These thoughts would allow fear to arise within me and along with all the “what if’s” coming in like tsunami, created in unhealthy emotional environment.

However, experience has taught me recovery is a journey. Recovery can take time, it is not always instamatic, it is not always fun, but is continually progressing until the completed work has manifested itself. It can be great deal of work and yes sometimes fun but as long as I didn’t quit I always won. Now, don’t think I am perfect there have been times I did quit. There have been times when I stopped and paused in the journey to rest. There were times when I saw the finish line and wondered if I had enough energy to cross the finish line. And sometimes it seemed like I crawled across the finish line

Something else I have also learned that victory has many faces in God. Not every situation turned out within “my” preconceived idea of how it would turn out. The old saying a win is win is so true.

If you are feeling inadequate in God today because of your situations know you are not alone. You might even think of yourself as a failure however, that is a lie from Satan himself. You’re not a failure , you are a child of God. Because of that you have the promise “For you can do everything through Christ, who gives you strength”

Be encouraged! You are going to make it! Why? Because the greater one lives on the inside of you.


Go On Thru