Signs of The Times.

The question has been asked for centuries by individuals, is Jesus really coming back and if so when? Can we really know when the time of His return is? Within this series Signs of the Times, Pastor Mike takes Jesus’s own words found in Matthew 24 to answer these questions and more with a definite yes by unlocking what Jesus meant when He said we would see 1) worldwide deception, 2) wars and rumors of wars, 3) nations and kingdoms against nations and kingdoms, 4) famine, pestilences, and 5) the emergence of false prophets.


Signs of the Times Part 4 is an inspirational message injected by Pastor Mike called Victory Is Ours.

Signs of the Times Part 7 was replaced by Pastor Mike’s Easter sermon. Signs of the Times Part 8 picks up where Signs of the Times Part 6 leaves off.

Signs of the Times Part 9 is an inspirational message injected by Pastor Mike called Stand Your Ground.


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