Back to the Basics: Being Led By The Holy Spirit.

So, what do you do when you need help or advice from God? How do you know which way to go at the crossroads of life? How do you find God's will for your life? All these questions can be answered with one single phrase: be led by the Holy Spirit! In this segment of lessons you will learn the importance of having the Holy Spirit as your guide.

Have you ever been in a city trying to follow your GPS or Google maps, or even Siri only to miss turn or end up at the wrong destination? Getting lost in a city can be really frustrating but getting lost in life can be a bad and depressing experience right? So, what do you do when you need guidance from God? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will begin to address and answer this question in this next segment of Back to the Basics on The Holy Spirit.

One of the greatest benefits of the spirit- empowered life is the ability to be led by the Holy Spirit in the small and large decisions of daily life. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will look at how the Holy Spirit can and should be our tour guide through life in this next segment of Back to the Basics on The Holy Spirit.

In The lesson Mark Hertzfeld looks at how the Holy Spirit leads us by His word as well as how the Holy Spirit leads us by His witness in this next segment of Back to the Basics on The Holy Spirit.

In The lesson Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld will look at how the Holy Spirit leads us by His still small voice and how the Holy Spirit will lead us by peace in this next segment of Back to the Basics on The Holy Spirit.

In The lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore will look at how the Holy Spirit leads us by His desire in this next segment of Back to the Basics on The Holy Spirit.

In The lesson Pastor Sany Hertzfeld will look at becoming more aware of The Holy Spirits Giftings in our lives and how to turn this knowledge into action in this next segment of Back to the Basics on The Holy Spirit.

In The lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will look at how the The gifts of the Holy Spirit are demonstrations of His love and ability flowing through us to accomplish His purpose to help others in this next segment of Back to the Basics on The Holy Spirit.

In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore is going to continue the study on becoming more aware of The Holy Spirits Giftings in our lives by breaking out of our box with our man-made ways of thinking concerning the Holy Spirit


Back to the Basics Serving God Part 10 / Find Your Purpose


Back to the Basics: Praying In The Holy Spirit