You Are Unique

Did you know you were created and wonderfully made by God to be exactly you and because of that God possesses an intricate plan, a strategic blueprint to steer our lives away from becoming a failure, aiming instead for goodness and fulfillment. In this two part series Pastor Michael Pilmore details how even before our conception and birth, God had not only known us but also meticulously fashioned, , shaped, and intricately designed the blueprint of our lives before we came into existence and adds practical steps how to rebuild our self-esteem when low.

Did you know you were created and wonderfully made by God to be exactly you and because of that God possesses an intricate plan, a strategic blueprint to steer our lives away from becoming a failure. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore details how even before our conception and birth, God meticulously put us together and had a plans of greatness for us

Reconnect with Your True Worth: Join Pastor Michael Pilmore as he shares everyday strategies to elevate self-esteem and confidence, aligning with your natural success.


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