
Today, I want to focus on a foundational truth about God that should change the way we live: God does not change. This is not just a comforting fact; it’s a challenge to us. In a world that constantly shifts and evolves, God remains the same, steady and unchanging.

As Hebrews 13:8 (NLT) reminds us, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." His faithfulness, love, and holiness remain constant, regardless of time or circumstances. Because of His unchanging nature, we are called to rise higher and live lives that reflect His consistency and character. His standards don’t change with culture or trends, and neither should our commitment to live according to His truth.

God’s Unchanging Nature is the Foundation for Our Lives

Malachi 3:6 (NLT) tells us, "I am the Lord, and I do not change." This truth is the cornerstone of our faith. While the world around us constantly shifts in values, culture, and morality, God remains the same—eternally holy, just, loving, and powerful.

God’s unchanging nature means He is the ultimate standard of truth and righteousness. His expectations for us do not shift with the times or societal norms. The holiness He required from Abraham, Moses, and David is the same holiness He calls us to today.

What does this mean for us? It means we cannot live according to the fluctuating standards of the world. While society may accept certain behaviors or attitudes, we are called to live by God's eternal truth. His Word remains the same, and as His followers, we must stand firm, regardless of how the world changes around us.

 Section 2: The Call to Rise to Higher Ground

Because God does not change, He calls us to rise above the standards of this world. Leviticus 11:44 (NLT) says, "For I am the Lord your God. You must consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy." This call to holiness applies to all believers, and it’s a challenge to live at a higher level.

God is calling us to rise above:

  • Mediocrity: We are called to excellence in all areas of our lives. God does not want us to settle for just getting by. He desires for us to live with purpose, intention, and commitment.

  • Worldly Standards: Society’s moral compass shifts constantly, but we are called to stand firm in God's truth. Just because something is acceptable to society does not mean it is acceptable to God.

  • Spiritual Complacency: It’s easy to become comfortable in our faith, but God is always calling us to grow deeper. We are called to pursue a higher level of faith and greater obedience to His Word.

Just as Moses was called up the mountain to receive the commandments, God is calling us higher. He is inviting us to leave behind low-level thinking, excuses, and compromises that keep us from fully reflecting His nature.

Section 3: Living as Reflections of God’s Consistency

In 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NLT), Paul tells us, "And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image." This verse speaks of the transformation that happens when believers grow closer to God. It is not a superficial change, but a profound, inner transformation—one that reflects the character of Christ.

There are three key themes from this passage:

1.      Veil Removed: Paul describes how a spiritual "veil" once blocked people from fully seeing or understanding God’s glory. But in Christ, this veil is removed, allowing believers to fully experience His presence.

2.     Seeing and Reflecting God’s Glory: Now that the veil is gone, believers can reflect God’s glory. Just as a mirror reflects an image, we reflect God’s character as we grow in faith.

3.     Transformation by the Spirit: This transformation is ongoing. The Holy Spirit is continuously working in us, shaping us to become more like Christ in our character, attitudes, and actions.

This transformation process is not just a phase. It is a lasting change that impacts every area of our lives. As we draw closer to God, our lives should reflect His consistency. If God is unchanging, we too are called to be steadfast in our faith, our character, and our love for others.

Section 4: God is Expecting Growth

God’s unchanging nature does not mean He is stagnant—quite the opposite. He is always moving, always working, and He expects growth from us. As believers, we are called to grow into the full measure of Christ. Philippians 3:14 (NKJV) says, "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

The word "press" in this verse conveys a sense of determination and effort. Paul describes the Christian life as a race, one that requires persistence and focus. We are called to press forward, continually pursuing a deeper relationship with God and a higher level of spiritual maturity.

Are there areas in your life where you’ve settled for less than what God has for you? God is calling you to rise higher in those areas:

  • In your prayer life: Are you praying consistently, or only when you need something? God is calling you to deepen your communication with Him.

  • In your relationships: Are you loving others as God loves you? Are you forgiving, even when it’s hard? God is calling you to love like He loves.

  • In your faith: Are you trusting God for big things, or are you doubting His ability to move? God is calling you to step out in faith and believe for greater things.

Just as a child grows and matures, we too are expected to grow spiritually. God is always calling us higher—He wants us to move from glory to glory, from faith to faith.

Section 5: The Renewal of Our Mind

Romans 12:2 (NLT) challenges us with this call: "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Renewing our minds is essential to living a life that aligns with God’s will. This renewal is not just a minor adjustment—it’s an overhaul of our entire way of thinking.

Imagine a car engine that has been running for years without proper maintenance. Over time, it becomes clogged with dirt and worn-out parts, no longer running efficiently. To restore it, the mechanic must overhaul the engine, replacing broken parts and cleaning out the grime. Similarly, renewing our minds requires us to dismantle old ways of thinking and replace them with God’s truth.

We must resist the temptation to conform to the world’s values. The world constantly pressures us to adopt selfish desires, materialism, and negative thinking. But as believers, we are called to a higher standard. Transformation begins with renewing our minds—allowing the Holy Spirit to reshape our thoughts and attitudes according to God's Word.

This process of renewing the mind is ongoing. Each day, we must allow God’s truth to cleanse our thinking, shaping us more and more into the image of Christ.

Conclusion: The Unchanging God Calls Us to a Higher Life

As we conclude, remember this: God’s unchanging nature is both a comfort and a challenge. It comforts us to know that His love, faithfulness, and promises are constant. But it challenges us because we are called to rise to the standard of His holiness and reflect His character in every aspect of our lives.

Romans 12:2 (NKJV) tells us, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." As believers, we are called to live differently from the world. God’s standards do not change, and neither should our commitment to living in a way that honors Him.

Let us rise higher in our faith, in our love, and in our holiness. God is calling us to reflect His consistency, and in doing so, we will shine His light in a world that desperately needs it.

(New Living Translation Bible, 1996)

(New King James Version, 1975)


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