Keep the Switch of Faith Turned On

How Faith Works Like an Electric Switch

Faith is often described as the unseen force that connects us to God's power. Much like the way an electric switch controls the flow of electricity, faith controls the flow of God’s power into our lives. In moments of doubt or struggle, it's essential to "keep the switch of faith turned on." This means continuing to believe and trust in God’s promises, regardless of whether or not we see immediate results.

Let’s explore how keeping the switch of faith on works in practical terms, drawing comparisons to an electric switch, and what it means for your spiritual life, especially when we apply the biblical principle of binding and loosing.

How an Electric Switch Works

To better understand faith, let's first look at how a basic electric switch functions. An electric switch doesn’t create power; it simply controls the flow of electricity. Here’s how:

  • Turned On: When the switch is in the "on" position, it completes the circuit, allowing electricity to flow from the power source to the lightbulb or device.

  • Turned Off: When the switch is in the "off" position, the circuit is broken, cutting off the flow of electricity, and the light goes out.

The electricity (or power) is always there, ready to flow, but the switch determines whether it reaches the bulb. The light is the visible result of electricity at work. Similarly, God's power is always available to us, but it requires faith to activate and see its results in our lives.

Faith as the Spiritual Switch

Faith, like a switch, controls the flow of God’s power. We "turn on" our faith by believing in God’s promises, praying, and acting according to His Word, even when circumstances look difficult. When faith is "turned off" through doubt, unbelief, or negative speaking, it breaks the spiritual circuit, and the power stops flowing.

  • Turn Faith On: Keep believing, praying, and speaking God’s promises, even when the outcome isn’t immediately visible.

  • Turn Faith Off: Doubt, negativity, or giving up on God’s promises breaks the flow of God’s power into your situation.

The Importance of Consistency

Just like you wouldn’t want your light to flicker because of a faulty switch, you don't want your faith to waver. A steady, consistent faith keeps the flow of God's power strong in your life.

The Bible reminds us of this consistency in Matthew 16:19 (NLT):
"And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven."

This verse highlights the spiritual authority given to believers to bind and loose. To "bind" means to forbid or restrict negative influences, like doubt or fear, while to "loose" means to permit or release God's blessings, such as peace, healing, or provision. When we exercise this authority through faith, heaven confirms and supports our actions, ensuring that God’s power flows into our lives.

Jesus speaks of the authority given to believers—the power to bind or loose on earth as it is in heaven. Faith is part of this spiritual authority. By keeping the switch of faith turned on, we exercise this authority to unlock blessings and lock away doubt, fear, or negativity. This is where the concept of binding and loosing becomes essential.

Binding and Loosing Explained

What Does "Binding" Mean?

Binding refers to forbidding, restricting, or declaring something unlawful in the spiritual realm. When we bind something, we are using the authority given by Christ to stop or prohibit negative forces from affecting our lives. For example:

  • Bind negative thoughts: Using your faith, you can stop or resist thoughts of fear, doubt, or insecurity by declaring them powerless in your life.

  • Bind spiritual attacks: You can pray against demonic influences or negative forces, stopping their power through faith.

When Jesus spoke about binding in Matthew 16:19 (NLT)"Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven"—He was emphasizing that whatever we declare forbidden on earth, God will confirm and uphold in heaven. This means we have the authority, through faith, to resist anything that stands in opposition to God's will.

What Does "Loosing" Mean?

Loosing means to permit, free, or declare something lawful. Spiritually, loosing involves releasing God’s blessings and promises into your life. For example:

  • Loose God’s peace: When you feel overwhelmed, you can loose peace into your situation by praying and declaring God’s peace over your heart and mind.

  • Loose healing: If you or someone you love needs physical or emotional healing, you can loose healing by praying for God’s power to restore health and well-being.

In Matthew 16:19 (NLT), Jesus also says, "Whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven." This means that when we declare things like peace, healing, or provision in line with God’s Word, heaven agrees and those blessings are released into our lives.

How to Keep Your Faith "On"

  1. Prayer and Communion with God: Regularly talking to God, reading His Word, and seeking His presence helps keep your faith engaged. You stay connected to the power source.

  2. Speaking Positive Affirmations: Just as a switch controls the light, your words control the outcome of your faith. Speaking in alignment with God’s promises rather than your doubts keeps the circuit complete.

  3. Believing God’s Promises: Even when things get tough, remember the promises God has made. Faith in His Word is like flipping the switch to “on,” allowing His power to work in your life.

  4. Binding and Loosing with Spiritual Authority: You can actively exercise your faith by binding what is harmful (doubt, fear, sickness) and loosing what is good (peace, healing, blessings). This is a powerful way to maintain the flow of God's power in your life.

Faith in Action

Faith requires action. It’s one thing to believe, but it’s another to live out that belief daily. As James 2:17 (NLT) states, “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” Keeping the switch of faith on means that in addition to believing, you are also:

  • Praying: Regular prayer keeps your connection to God strong and helps maintain your faith.

  • Trusting in God: Even when the situation seems impossible, trust that God is working behind the scenes.

  • Acting on Faith: Do what you can with what you have, trusting God for the rest. This may involve making decisions that align with God’s Word, even if they seem counterintuitive to what you see around you.


Keeping the switch of faith turned on is about maintaining a steady flow of belief, prayer, and action, no matter what circumstances look like. Just like an electric switch controls the flow of power to a light, your faith controls the flow of God's power in your life. When you keep that faith switch in the "on" position, God's power can flow freely, illuminating even the darkest situations.

By understanding the principles of binding and loosing, you can actively engage your faith to bind what is harmful and loose what is good, bringing spiritual authority into your life. Remember, God’s power is always present, just waiting for you to flip the switch of faith and let His light shine through.

So, keep believing, keep speaking God’s promises, keep binding and loosing, and keep trusting, because as long as the switch of faith is on, God’s power will continue to work in your life.


(New Living Translation Bible, 1996)

(New King James Version, 1975)


The Unchanging God


Blessed To Be A Blessing