Lay Down and Sleep

There are times when I have trouble falling asleep due to the chaos of the day and anticipation that it will all start over again in the morning. I take comfort in reading Psalm 3. In Psalm 3, the author is faced with so many challenges that he literally looks to God as his shield for protection from his enemies (King James Bible, 1769/2017). I have not been in battle or been a soldier in the military but I know what it is like to have enemies such as fear, anxiety, stress, pressure, sickness, etc. knocking at my door. When you look to God as a shield of protection, it gives you something to hang on to and to grab hold of with your faith. This is why I say what David said in Psalm 3:5, “I lay down and sleep” (New International Version, 1984). I am able to do this because I trust God and put my confidence in Him. It is in His ability that I rely on to protect me with His shield thus I am able to lie down and sleep. My enemies of fear, anxiety, stress, pressure, sickness, etc. are taken care of. Sometimes, I literally have to say out loud and tell myself, “I lay down and sleep”.


King James Bible. (2017). King James BIble Online. (Original work published 1769)

New International Version. (1984). New International Version Bible Online.


Take Time to Pause