Did You Know

Did you know is a great question that each of us needs to be asked and answered concerning what happened to Jesus in the last few days of His life. Not only what happened to Him but what He aquired for us by these inevitable and terrible events He endured. In this series Pastor Mike will take us on a journey of the last days of Jesus’s life beginning with His betrayal and ending at the empty tomb.

In this lesson Pastor Mike takes a closer look at how through offense Judas of Iscariot was manipulated by Satan to betray Jesus.

In this lesson Pastor Michael PIlmore takes a closer look at the great emmontional distress Jesus endured to follow the Father's plan.

In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore continues to take a closer look at the great emmontional distress Jesus endured to follow the Father's plan.

In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore takes a closer look at the divine assistance that came during the great emmontional distress Jesus endured to follow the Father's plan.

Have you ever wondered how many people it took to arrest Jesus? In this lesson Pastor Mike takes a closer look look at this moment in Jesus' life.

In this study Pastor Michael Pilmore looks at the reason why so many soliders were present for the arrrest of Jesus

In this study Pastor Michael Pilmore takes a closer of look at the kiss of deception Judas used to identify Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane for his arrest.

In this study Pastor Michael Pilmore takes a closer look at the fatal flaw in Judas character which was, he never actually submitted to Jesus.

In this study Pastor Michael Pilmore takes a closer look at the detonation of Power that was released when Jesus said I Am.

In this study Pastor Mike looks at the dangers of taking matters into our own hands.

In this study Pastor Mike helps us to understand just like Peter when we make a mess of things completely on our own and we can't fix what we have broken, Jesus will step in and straighten out what we messed up

In this study Pastor Mike helps us to understand what Jesus statement at His arrest when He revealed that He had 12 legions of angels available to assist Him at any moment. In this series we go on a journey of the last days of Jesus’s life beginning with His betrayal and ending at the empty tomb.

In this study Pastor Mike takes a closer look at the story of the young man who was dressed in only a linen cloth — a boy who was brought back to life by Jesus’ resurrection power!.

In this study Pastor Mike takes a closer look at the The cruelty and humiliation Jesus endured before He was even tried, convicted, and hanged on the cross .

In this study Pastor Mike takes a closer look at the The cruelty and humiliation Jesus endured before He was even tried, convicted, and hanged on the cross .

Why do you think knowing God's will and purpose is so vital for your life?. In this Lesson Pastor Mike helps us to see the importance of knowing the answer to this question by taking a closer look at how Jesus was secure in the knowledge of the Father's will for His life and becasue of that was able to entrust Himself into God's loving care even in the presence of His eneminies

What is your excuse for not following after the plan of God for your life? Is your inner critic in control preventing you from moving out into the fulleness of what God has for you? In this lesson by Pastor Mike defines the voice of reason of our minds that many times prevents us from stepping out into the plan, purpose and goodness of God for our lives with practical steps to turn the volume down on the I can'ts.

In the final days of His life Jesus Stood before King Herod. Have you ever wondered who were the Herods? What was their dynasty? In this lesson Pastor Mike explains the role the Herods played in the history of Israel and Jesu's final days on earth.

Have you ever been around people who are angry or upset with you and becasue of that they attack you, try to down to you and or make you look smaller all with their words? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore shows us how King Herod, the dignified and well-educated ruler of Galilee, and his bodyguards, who were well armed and highly educated, began to behave like maniacs trying to demolish and destroy Jesus with their word usinng verbal attacks all becasue Jesus would not enterain them with His miraclous powers and perform miracles.

Have you ever been accused of somethng you did not do? Jesus was as well. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will take a closer look at how Jesus was judged to be not guilty by Pilate and Herod yet was still sentenced to death for crimes He did not commit. Find out how Jesus an innocent man was sentenced to death in this lesson

What does it really mean when the bible talks about by His stripes we were healed. What did Jesus endure physically to bring that promise into a completed work on our behalf. In this Lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains in graphic detail the horrific nature of the ancient custom of a scourging from the Roman Empire

Crucifixion was a horrid, gruesome, torturous death reserved only for criminals in the time of Jesus. In today's message Pastor Michael Pilmore breaks down the actual events that would encompass a death by crucifixion at the hands of the Roman goverment so we will never forget what He actually went through for us.

What was the significance of Jesus last words on the earth It is finished. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains those powerful faith filled words Jesus shouted from the cross and what they mean to us in the eternal plan of God.

After Jesus death and resurrection there were many circulating rumors that he that he had not been dead at all just recovering and Jesus's death was just a deceptive trick to mislead people into believing that He really was. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore debunks these rumors by looking by looking at how important the actions of the religious leaders were when they acquired permission from Pilate to seal the tomb and to post Roman soldiers to guard it.

Jesus resurerection from the dead is the foundation of our faith and many witnessed His life after death. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore takes a closer look at the empty tomb and the events that transpired immediately after his resurerection at the burial site.

The reason the tomb was and still is empty is Jesus is alive! That is what we remember and celebrate as believers in Christ. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore concludes this series by looking at how Peter & John upon hearing the news that Jesus was alive from the women ran to the empty tomb to see for themselves. So, just like these women why not step out of your comfort zone and witness to someone else about His resurrection power and His sacrifice to save us and allow your friends and family to experience a life in Jesus.


Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt.4 / What Happened At The Cross


How to Pray for Someone in Trouble