Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 4

What Really Happened At The Cross

Have you ever wondered if sickness and disease is not in God's plan then how did it get such a foothold on humanity? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains how sickness is a result of sin and how sin was the door satan used to introduce sickness into the world however, Jesus came to liberate and set us free from all the effects that sin brought.

In this segment of teachings, Pastor Michael Pilmore reviews what really happened at the cross through God’s redemptive work accomplished in and through Jesus Christ and how Jesus was and still is our example today.

Most believers will agree that forgiveness of sin was absolutely accomplished by Christ’s work on the Cross, but many believers are not convinced that healing for our bodies was also accomplished by Christ’s work on the Cross. In this lesson Pastor MIchael provides insight into the redemptive twins of forgiveness of sins and healing for our bodies

Ever wondered what moved Jesus to heal so many people? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will define how God’s plan for healing was provided through Jesus Christ by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and how He moved in compassion to set people free that were opressed by the devil. Jesus is our example and within this lesson you will see how you can move in compassion and do the will of the Father just as Jesus did.

Sickness and disease is a form of death that left in the body long enough it can cause the natural body to cease all essential activity of life. However, did you know God has a already provided a solution? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore describes how God sent Jesus who is the living word to heal us when He sent His word!

Did you know Jesus Told Us To Do The Works which is everything He Did? Is that even possible you may ask? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore defines and explains the works of Jesus and then provides insights how we too can do what we have been commisoned and empowered to do by Jesus for His Kingdom which would be the same works He did when He was here on the earth.

Did you know when God created man He made him a triune being. We have an eternal spirit who has a soul and lives in a body of flesh and blood. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore defines what they are and the specific roles each part plays in the total and complete package called man.

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Did you know God and Satan are not in the same business! The job description of the devil is to kill, steal and destroy. This means Satan has come to put an end to everything good God is and has given you in your life. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore allows us to see through the Word of God who is ultimately behind sickness and disease

The bible tells us we are not to be ignorant of the devil or his devices. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore reveals 4 basic four basic areas where believers can disqualify themselves or be hindered in receiving God’s healing power.

Did you know we have an opponent and adversary in the contest called life and it is his job to bring conflict into our lives by arguing against the Word of God? HIs name is the devil. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore teaches the importance of Peter's words when he said stay alert and watch out for the devil because he is our enemy. By using the shield of faith we can extinguish every fiery arrow our enemy hurls at us.

One of the Devil's biggest tactics when it comes to sickness and disease is to bring fear. Why? Because fear will immobilize our faith. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will define what fear is, the four body responses to fear and finially what Jesus said about fear,

Did you know it vitially important not only to obey God's written Word but to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as well. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore expains the importance of how our life and lifestyle should reflect the one we serve and how obedience or compliance which is just basically falling in line with or to His Word or leading is not an option for a believer

How important it is to walk in Love toward everyone? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will show that walking in love and humility toward others is essential if we want to walk in divine health and healing and as believers desiring all that God has for us in terms of health and healing, we need to be honest with ourselves and with God when taking a close look at our love walk

All of us have a story that our lives tell. Some may be good and other stories may not be as good and memorable. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore begins to take a closer look at how events in our past can actually hinder us from walking in our bright future with God.

We all have things in our past that make this declaration why did this happen to me? Every one of us has a story. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore contiues to give tools and resources to leave the past in the past by explaining how our past damaged and broken as it may be is holding us in captivity. We can make the choice, to learn, adapt overcome and then walk in the victory God has provided without being held in captivity to our past failures and traumas.

It’s been said, “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore provides insight into how God does not want usu living in our past failures. By doing so this can lead us into becoming dominiated by regret and bitterness of the waht if's and prevent us from walking into the present blessing on your lives

It’s been said, “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore continues from last weeks teaching providing insight into how God does not want us living in our past failures. When we live in our past it can lead us into becoming dominiated by regret and bitterness of the what if's and prevent us from walking into the present blessing on your lives

In this message, Pastor Michael Pilmore explores the fascinating concept of "God triggers" and how they initiate extraordinary supernatural healings. In this message we dive into the profound meaning of these triggers, understanding the divine mechanisms that facilitate, cause, generate, produce, or initiate manifestations of healing beyond scientific comprehension or the confines of natural laws. Discover the awe-inspiring realm where faith, spirituality, and the inexplicable converge, shedding light on the miraculous healing experiences that leave us in wonder and amazement.

In this dymanic lesson on Divine Intervention through Special Faith Pastor Michael PIlmore explains how when this gift is in operation it goes beyond ordinary saving faith and how it involves a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit, by empowering believers to perform extraordinary acts or achieve things beyond their natural abilities. It is considered a unique and powerful gift which allow us to experience divine intervention in our lives.

Discover the awe-inspiring world of miracles in "Explosion of Power: The Working of Miracles." In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore looks at this spectacular gift and how God works through ordinary individuals such as yourself, altering the laws of nature and bestowing divine wonders upon the world. Dive into a realm beyond scientific understanding, where signs and wonders abound, and prepare to witness the supernatural manifestation of God's mighty power. Get ready to be amazed!

Explore the wondrous world of supernatural power in "Miraculous Marvels," where God-initiated healing and the workings of miracles come to life. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will help you discover the profound concept of miracles as interventions beyond human possibility but within God's simple command. Dive into the temporary suspension of nature's order, orchestrated by the Holy Spirit, that showcases the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary. In this dymanic teaching you will see the awe-inspiring realm of divine intervention and experience the astonishing power that transcends the natural course of life.

Join Pastor Michael Pilmore in the dymanic lesson and discover the remarkable world of the Gifts of Healing, where supernatural restoration of health transcends the boundaries of medical science. These gifts bring about miraculous recovery from sickness and disease, independent of conventional means or human intervention. Unlike medical diagnosis and treatment plans, these healings emerge through divine touch – through the laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and even the spoken word of God. The Gifts of Healing showcase a unique manifestation of the Holy Spirit, uniting one person's faith with another's need, unraveling the extraordinary power of God's intervention.

In this lesson discover the incredible potential of faith-based healing, learn how to apply the divine authority vested in the Name of Jesus, and explore the limitless possibilities of bringing healing and transformation to your life and those around you. Join Pastor Michael Pilmore on this empowering journey as he explores the profound truth that we, as believers, have been granted the authority to initiate healing through the power of our faith using the mighty Name of Jesus. Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and awakened to the incredible healing potential that resides within you.

In this lesson, Pastor Michael Pilmore dives into the topic of believer-initiated healing for self as part of the ongoing series "Back to the Basics on Health and Healing." The focus is on exploring James 5:13-15 to uncover valuable insights about how believers can actively participate in their own healing. Additionally, the lesson addresses what steps to take when people are homebound due to their illness and unable to attend church for the leaders' prayers, emphasizing the empowerment of individual believers in seeking and facilitating their own healing.

In this insightful lesson with Pastor Michael Pilmore, we explore a powerful avenue for believers to seek healing for their bodies: the "laying on of hands." Within the church, the doctrine of Christ encompasses six fundamental principles, and today, we focus on this particular practice. Dive into the scriptures with us as we uncover the profound healing that took place through the laying on of hands, not only by Jesus Himself but also by the apostles and the Apostle Paul. Discover the transformative potential of this age-old practice in our pursuit of physical healing

In tonight's message, Pastor Michael Pilmore divess into the essence of faith, defining it as a blend of confidence, assurance, and trust. He emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of God's promises, urging us to stand firm and unwavering upon those promises until their fulfillment becomes a tangible reality.

In this inspiring message, Pastor Michael Pilmore delivers a powerful message on the limitless potential we can unlock with God through the developing of our faith. This teaching sheds light on the profound concept that our faith plays a pivotal role in our connection with the God’s provisions and you will see how various individuals sought out Jesus for healing and, remarkably, received exactly what they believed they would. This message serves as a testament to the profound truth that our faith is the key to unlocking God's boundless blessings and miraculous interventions in our lives.

In this insightful lesson, Pastor Michael Pilmore emphasizes the significance of dedicating our focus to God's word. By attentively immersing ourselves in His word, we open the door for it to profoundly penetrate, permeate, and infuse us with His life-giving and healing power for our entire being.

In this message, Pastor Michael Pilmore dives into Abraham's unwavering trust in God and his resolute faith in God's promise, even when faced with the impossibility of having a child due to his advanced age. Abraham remained steadfast in his belief that God had the power to fulfill His promise, regardless of the physical limitations.

Discover the transformative power of strengthening your faith through the nourishment of "God's medicine"—His word. Join Pastor Michael Pilmore in this enlightening lesson as he reveals the unwavering faithfulness of God to His promises. Learn how doubt dissipates in the face of God's steadfastness, empowering you to embrace His word with unshakeable confidence. Elevate your faith journey and experience the assurance that comes from trusting in God and His unfailing word.


Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 3 / God's Original Plan


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