Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 3

God’s Original Plan

If God revealed Himself as the Healer under the Old Covenant, has He changed under the New Covenant? In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore will look into why New Testament believers are called true, or spiritual, Jews and why we qualify for the blessings and have a better covenant based upon better promises!

In this segment of teachings, we will see that God’s promises and provisions for healing were given to the children of Israel as well as to us believers. We will look at how and why we qualify to receive God’s blessings in Health and Healing today.

Ever wondered when did ill health enter the picture? Yor not alone and in this lesson Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld will review how God created mankind without sickness or disease. Join us and we journey through the bible and see God's will for our health through His original creation.

Did you ever wonder what is the difference between blessing & cursing? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will define what it means to be blessed and cursed and then explain how God called health a blessing and sickness a curse

Ever wondered what to call God? Ever wondered if He answers to any other name? In this lesson with Pastor Michael Pilmore we are going to review how God Showed Us His Will For Health In The Old Covenant by Looking at the seven redemptive names for God found in in the Old Testament and as we do so we will see God revealing Himself, His character, and His will through a name He called Himself

Does the Lord ever change? Good question right? In this lesson "Change Management" Pastor Michael Pilmore will look at how God Showed us His will for health in the Old Covenant by looking at how God never changes. He is the same yesterday today and forever


Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 2 /Take Care Of Your Health


Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt.4 / What Happened At The Cross