Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 2

Take Care Of Your Health

Through beliefs, foolishness and or ignorance, many Christians have not given attention to the natural care of their bodies becasue they have over spiritualized the message of health and healing. In this lesson titled "Taking Care Of Business" Pastor Michael Pilmore teaches us we have God Given overwatch of our bodies and we need to be good be good stewards of them.

In life many times our human nature is such that we want someone to tell us exactly what to do; however, God’s way is for us to be led by the Holy Spirit in accordance with His Word! In This Lesson titled "Balanced Lifestyle" Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld helps us to see the balance of moderation, diet and rest, and how we must be led by the Spirit to live in this area of health and healing

In life many times our human nature is such that we want to over indulge in what we consider good things. But not everything that is good might be good for us. In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore helps us to see how balance and moderation are God approved.

Some believers have almost made a new faith out of what they eat and don’t eat while others have no control or moderation in this area. They get as close to the edge of excess as they can without falling in! Is that healthy becasue does God really care about what we eat will be questions Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld answers in this lesson on eating right.

In our society, rest or resting is a strange concept for some! The idea of resting without feeling guilty is foreign to many believers who are driven and overstressed. Too much stuff to get done, to much to do to take time off. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore defines how important from a biblical standpoint rest is to God and how not taking the the time to relax and recharge can and will casue us to become more stressed, emotionally depleted and physically drained.

Due to life's busyness have you put undue pressure and expecations on yourself? Here is some good news God doesn’t put undue pressure or expectations upon us. In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore teaches us how taking a time out from life and Entering into God’s rest allows us to be refreshed—spirit, soul and body

How important is physical rest? In this lesson titled "Refreshed" Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld teaches us how important rest is to our complete well being spirit, soul and body to have down time and cease from our works.

Ever wondered what's God's take on bodily exercise. Is it really all that imporrtant in the grand scheme of things? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmorelooks into God's Word to see just how important exercise is to complete well being spirit, soul and body and if it is really necessary.

Within this segement of lessons we will see God’s Directives for our physical health and well-being and how God has given us oversight with a responsibility to properly manage this aspect of our lives as well and how important it is for us to exercise wisdom in the natural care of our bodies as we walk in faith in the area of health and healing


Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Part 1 / Common Questions


Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 3 / God's Original Plan