Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 1

Common Questions

Within this segement of lessons we will look at common questions that are asked many times by individuals concerning God’s take on health, healing, and being free from sickness and disease. There are a vas array of questions, beliefs, experiences, and misunderstandings about this subject. In this segment we will look to into the Word of God to nullify or validate these questions and concerns

In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore introduces a whole new series in the Back To the Basics series on health, healing, and being free from sickness and disease by asking a series of questions that will be answered in the next nine lessons.

Have your ever heard somone say If it be the Lord’s will pointing to How God controls everything and can do anyting He wants becasue He is sovereign. In this lesson Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld this question about the sovereignty of God when it comes to our health and well being?

Another common statement is God made me sick to keep me humble and teach me humility. In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore is going to answer the question does not God use sickness to teach me something or to humble me?

In this lesson Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld answers the age old question Isn’t Salvation More Important Than Healing?

In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore tackles the question where do Doctors, Hospitals and Medcine fit into God's big plan on health and healing

In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore looks at a very common question on God's healing provisions and that is if it is God's will for all to be healed why do some believer's become sick and die prematurely in life?

Have you ever wondered what God's plan is for death? Are we supposed to just age out? Do we go by way of ill health as some would believe? In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore answers the question If sickness is not God's will then how should His people die?

Have you ever heard this statement God put this sickness on me to keep me humble? God gave me this thorn this illness to teach me something? In this lesson Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld answers the question What was Pauls Thorn? was it really sickness and ill health or was it something else?

Who Gave Paul his thorn? Did it really come from God? Was God really trying to teach Paul something? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will answer the qustion where did Pauls thorn originate from.

Ever wondered what Paul's thorn really was? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore provides scriptural support for precisely what Paul's thorn really was.

Have you ever thought this question to yourself? What else will God’s grace do for me? In this lesson Mark Hertzfeld takes a closer look at this very question titled grace.

In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore takse a closer look into the life of Job by focusing on how faith and fear cannot operate simultaneously because the devil thrives in an environment of fear and God responds to faith.

In this lesson Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld is going to provide valuable insight on how Job's hedge of protection, which was a hedge of faith, came down through ignorance and great fear.

In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore is going to continue to look at Job’s life and how his life ended in great victory.

Many Christians have been taught that God afflicts us or disciplines us or allows us to suffer with sickness or disease for a reason. In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore will help us to see through the study of God's Word how this simply is not true and why it is incorrect.

If as Christians we are not to experience afflictions, discipline and sufferings through sickness and disease, how then does a Christian experience these things? In this lesson Pastor Sandy Hertzfeld helps us to see how God has given each of us a free will which allows us to choose right or wrong and when we make wrong choices, we sow bad seed and we will often reap afflictions or sufferings that we could have otherwise avoided.

Have you ever wondered how God disciplines us His Children? Many people think He does by harming us and bringing destruction into our lives. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore will put that question to rest as he explains how our loving Father does not send destruction and suffering in the form of discipline but encourages us through His Word

Ever Wondered if as Christians we are not to experience afflictions, disciplining and sufferings through sickness and disease, how then do we as Christian experience these things? In this lesson Pastor Kim Pilmore explains how temptations and trials can paly a prominent role in this area of our lives.


Dream Killers


Back to the Basics: Health & Healing Pt. 2 /Take Care Of Your Health