Dream Killers

Did you know everyone has been selected by God to fulfill a specific mission on the earth? The dreams, aspirations, and purpose He plants in our hearts is uniquely tailored and designed to who we are as individuals and has enemies.

In this series Dream Killers you will learn to push past all your doubts and fears that hinder and keep you from fulfilling God’s call on our lives as well as practical steps to take to ensure that dream becomes a reality.

Did you know that you have been selcted by God to fulfill a specific purpose on earth. In this lesson of Dream Killers titled "Hold Steady" Pastor Michael Pilmore helps us to see how God plants a dream in each of our hearts which is individually desigined to who we are and to see our dream come into existence we must learn to fight against the diffcult dream killers that have come to extinguish our dreams

There are many different forms of dream killers that try to kill God’s vision and purpose for our lives. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore looks at the big four that all of us will face at some point in time in our life.

To bring the plan of God to pass in our lives what must we do? Great question, right? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains how important the position of agreement is and how from that position, a door for God’s power to flow through you opens and supernatural things take place.

Have you ever wanted to just give up and quit on your dreams? Your not alone. What do we do when we reach this point? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains the avenue to success and the steps we can take to keep going

Did you know our faith can transform a generation as well as our world around us if we will not quit or give up under pressure? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore teaches how faith works by determining to believe God's word at any cost and not moving until it see the manifestation of what God has promised.

Our life’s goal should be to run after and seize what God has called us to do until without allowing the flame of passion to dwindle. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains how to avoid becoming a victim of the passion killer of neutrality.

So, often we think all we need is faith but did you know faith alone cannot produce the promises of God? Teamwork of faith and patience working together accomplish twhat we are trusting God for. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains the importance of this powerful relationship.

The plan, purpose and call of God rarely comes at a convenient moment. Rather, it usually comes when you’re in the middle of doing something else or when you’ve already made other plans. In this study Pastor Michael Pilmore shows us how God doesn’t call those that are just sitting around waiting for some-thing to happen — He calls those who are actively involved in doing something and how if you prove yourself faithful, God will entrust you with more.

Did you know God will place people in your lives. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore expalins how as you begin to take steps to make your dream a reality God will place other people in your life for the puropse of encouraging and provoking you to respond correctly as diffcult situtions arise

Have you ever come to the crossroads in your life to give up or keep going? These are moments in time in which God speaks to our hearts, and we choose either to stand by the word of the Lord or to go our own way. We choose to either give up or continue forward. In This lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore helps you to understand a simple truth about Jesus which is He will take what you give Him and pour something back into your life that is far beyond your wildest dreams if you don't quit.

There comes a moment in every believer’s life when the prayers we have prayed for the Lord to open a door of opportunity are suddenly answered and your time to step out in faith has finally come! In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore shows us through the study of the Word of God and his own life examples what we are to do when we reach the point of no return in our new adventure with God

Has God ever asked you to step out of the saftey of your boat and take that leap of faith to do something out of your ordinary for Him. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore defines our roles when we decide to push past our fears and work up the nerve to take a leap of faith into the great unknown with God

Have you ever wondered to yourself if you were up to the task God was asking of you? If so, you are not alone. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains there comes a point where a decision is made that will not allow you to turn back, slow down, or even delegate the responsibility to someone else because you have committed yourself to move forward to the plan and task set before you and forward you must go.

Have you ever stopped to think about how God chooses people to do something significant? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore defines how when God selects someone for a certain task, He is very logical in His approach and how faithfulness is a key ingredient that really gets God’s attention.

There comes a time to arise — when training and planning are over. A time when the position and responsibility you’ve been praying for is now a reality. However, in order for you to do what God is asking you to do, you’ll have to break out of your comfort zone by stepping out into an unfamiliar place. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore explains what we are to do when God says arise your time of preparation is over.

Do you know of talented men or women who seem to be instant successes in everything they do in life? Although it appears as though they stepped into the limelight and gained their success overnight if you were to ask them how it all developed, there would be nothing instant about their stories. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore reminds us how Joshua was not an instant success either and how just like Joshua we need training to develop the character of God that allows us to submit to His prepration and training in the present to walk out our assigment in the future

What do we do when our your assignment from God may look and feel impossible. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore points out how we are not alone with these thoughts and just like Jousha God can and will provide practical steps to move us forward when everything seems impossible

Did you know when God brought the children of Israel into the Promised Land, He did not give them the land all at once. Instead, He gave it to them one step at a time. In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore shows just as God gave Israel the Promised Land one step at a time, He’ll give you what He has promised you gradually as well becasue with each step you take in obedience to the Holy Spirit He, will make the intentions of your life clearer and clearer

Did you know it takes strength and courage to do what God calls you to do? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore teaches where that strength and courage comes from along with how to recieve it and walk in it so you can fullfill the plans of God once you step out into your future.

Even though God has a special purpose for your life did you know you can hinder that purpose? In this lesson Pastor Michael Pilmore dives into 5 reaons why people fail to step out and do the things God has planned for their lives


No Fear-Tools To Succeed When You Face Fear


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