The Power of Fervent Prayer: Insights from James 5:16
religion, leadership, social, self-help, Money, Management Michael Pilmore religion, leadership, social, self-help, Money, Management Michael Pilmore

The Power of Fervent Prayer: Insights from James 5:16

The Book of James is a practical guide to Christian living, emphasizing the importance of faith in action. James 5:16 encourages believers to pray for each other to promote healing and righteousness. The latter part of this verse highlights the power of prayer when it comes from a righteous heart.

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Becoming a Destination for Divine Visitation: Transforming The Church Community
religion, leadership, social, self-help Michael Pilmore religion, leadership, social, self-help Michael Pilmore

Becoming a Destination for Divine Visitation: Transforming The Church Community

Imagine a place where the presence of God is so palpable that every visit feels like stepping into a divine encounter. When we describe the church as "a destination for divine visitation," we are declaring it as a sanctuary where individuals experience God's presence in powerful and transformative ways. This concept underscores the belief that the church is not just a physical location, but a sacred space where God interacts with His people, attracting those seeking a deep and transformative spiritual experience.

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Finding Stability in Turmoil: Lessons from Psalm 75:3 for Life and Leadership
religion, leadership, social, self-help, Money, Management Michael Pilmore religion, leadership, social, self-help, Money, Management Michael Pilmore

Finding Stability in Turmoil: Lessons from Psalm 75:3 for Life and Leadership

As followers of Christ, we are called to honor God in every aspect of our lives, including our finances. One powerful way to do this is through tithing. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of tithing, its biblical foundation, and practical steps to incorporate it into your financial practices.

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Embracing Tithing: A Guide for All Believers
religion, leadership, social, self-help, Money, Management Michael Pilmore religion, leadership, social, self-help, Money, Management Michael Pilmore

Embracing Tithing: A Guide for All Believers

As followers of Christ, we are called to honor God in every aspect of our lives, including our finances. One powerful way to do this is through tithing. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of tithing, its biblical foundation, and practical steps to incorporate it into your financial practices.

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Practical Steps For Overwhelming Circumstances
religion, leadership, social, self-help Michael Pilmore religion, leadership, social, self-help Michael Pilmore

Practical Steps For Overwhelming Circumstances

As Emily’s stressful job began flow over into her personal life Emily decided to implement a structured prayer routine, starting her day with just a five-minute prayer focused on seeking peace and guidance. She also allocated time each evening to meditate on specific Scriptures related to strength and perseverance, such as Isaiah 41:10.

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Overwhelming Victory
Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Overwhelming Victory

It all begins with anI take great comfort when I go through a life trial in the fact, I know I am not alone in my journey. The Bible is full of people who experienced some of the same issues I do, and they did not give up.

One such person is Paul………

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Be Thankful
religious, self-care, grateful, thankful, happy Michael Pilmore religious, self-care, grateful, thankful, happy Michael Pilmore

Be Thankful

Have you ever heard the saying “count your blessings”? Why would someone say something like that to us? Could it be they were trying to remind us to be thankful and to appreciate all the great things we have in our life? Too often we focus on what is missing in our lives instead of being grateful for what we do have.

The same is true in our relationship with God.Many times, we complain to God about the imperfect circumstances we find ourselves in, the problems we are facing, how things are not good enough, and how things could be better if only this or that was in place.

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Catch The Vision
religious, vision, leadership, self-care Michael Pilmore religious, vision, leadership, self-care Michael Pilmore

Catch The Vision

It all begins with an When we talk about vision sometimes, we make it more then really what it is. However, vision in its simplest form is simply being able to see something. Today I would like to point out the importance of something Jesus wanted us to see. What is that you may ask? He wanted you to see how valuable and precious you are to Him. idea.

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Be You!
Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Be You!

Today I would like to encourage you to embrace something God has wonderfully created…you. There is no one else who can be you but you. With so many different voices speaking into in our lives including our own, sometimes it can be difficult to find and maintain who we are and what God created us to be.

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Put God First
Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Put God First

It all beginI don’t know about your life but in my life the moment my feet hit the ground in the morning I am off and running. If I don’t make the time for God first thing and make Him a priority, I can very easily skip over my fellowship time with Him and move to the busyness of my day. s with an idea.

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Laughter God’s Medicine
Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Laughter God’s Medicine

Have you ever wondered how important laughter is to our psyche as a whole or how important laughter is to God? Did you know God incorporated laughter into our lives as a healthy outlet and benefit?

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Fear Not
Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Fear Not

In our lives, we have many opportunities to disqualify the statement fear not. Maybe you have had the opportunity like I have to be afraid because the situation you are facing is so big it begins to weaken your faith and trust in God.

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Go On Thru
Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Go On Thru

Adversity comes to all of us and in many different forms and in many ways. When we use the word adversity, we can be describing our misfortune’s, bad luck, trouble’s, difficult times, hardships and distress’s.

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U Win!
Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

U Win!

Paul made a very important statement in Philippians 4:13 where he said, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Many times, in my own life I have faced impossible situations from financial crisis to health-related issues that always produced an elevation of stress and of course worry. Many of these situations were very difficult to walk thru and often in my own mind it seemed there was no way out.

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