Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Lay Down and Sleep

There are times when I have trouble falling asleep due to the chaos of the day and anticipation that it will all start over again in the morning. I take comfort in reading Psalm 3. In Psalm 3, the author is faced with so many challenges that he literally looks to God as his shield for protection from his enemies

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Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Take Time to Pause

My weekday mornings start off fast-paced and chaotic. Everyone is scrambling and working together with the sole purpose to get the kids out the door to school. Once the kids are off to school and my husband goes upstairs to work, I have a meeting with God every morning. It is my time to spend with Him to ensure I start my day right.

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Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Look Up in the Morning

During my private scripture reading, I pondered Psalm 5 from the King James Bible. I noticed a key phrase that seemed to jump off the page which tells us to make sure we converse with God in the morning. In fact, it says to make sure He hears your voice by looking up (King James Bible, 1789/2017).

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Mark Hertzfeld II Mark Hertzfeld II

God Watches Over You 24/7

During my reflection time with God, a comforting thought came to mind. The thought that He never slumbers or sleeps because He is watching over my life 24/7 (King James Bible, 1769/2017). God covers you in all things and stands guard over you.

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Michael Pilmore Michael Pilmore

Embrace Who You Are

God made us unique with our individual characteristics and quirks. We need to embrace who we are and rest with the assurance that God knew what He was doing when He made us.

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